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My photography story begins at 14 years old, picking up my first film camera at a swap meet in Australia.  My first creative story however begins a lot earlier. 
I have always been surrounded by music, art, and dance.


My mother was a graphics designer and an entrepreneur, growing up I was surrounded by artists and designers. I was selected for a piano scholarship at 7, and an art scholarship at 11. I then went on to study film development at 14 years old at my local high school among my other classes.

It wasn't until after I graduated Business and Psychology at university that I picked up the camera again, and found a passion for art. Combining my newfound business knowledge with the concepts of photography I already knew.

In the past 3 years I have managed to grow my online audience to almost 1 million followers, through the power of content creation and storytelling.

My passion is to bring to life culture, business, brands, and lifestyle through content creation and direction.  
Capturing the story of what I am surrounded by in a way that creates feeling and understanding.

Having traveled to over 20 countries, and lived in Indonesia, Australia, Turkey, and Cocos (Keeling) Islands, I have a great love for travel and pushing my own limits and understanding the greater world.

I consider myself lucky to create for a living while helping clients around me thrive in their own endeavors.

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